I went out early this morning to finish up mowing the pond and my brother's lawn, and when I got home there was a message from the Post Office that our chicks had arrived a day early! My car is broken down at the moment so Kelly headed over with our grandchildren to pick up the chicks while I got their home ready.
Would you believe, Gary was bringing shavings and food home tonight?! Oh well. I raided the dog bed that we fill with shavings to get enough to line the chick box, and ground up some of the regular chicken food in the coffee grinder! They seem quite satisfied.
All the chicks arrived happy and healthy. They are Freedom Rangers, ordered from Freedom Ranger Hatchery, Inc., in Reinhold, PA. Their current selections are a variety of Redbro, Yellow, and Tricolor. You can already see the different colors on them. One actually looks a lot like a silver leghorn. Hunter has named him Walker (he's a Walker, Texas Ranger fan). Another is very dark in color, so he named him Trivette, for obvious reasons! Kelly and I both tried to remind them that these chicks are food! I suggested rather than calling them cute, we should call them tasty! I got blank stares from the three children!
Hunter |
Isaiah |
Jordy |
Sooo cute....(and tasty...);)