On January 7, 2012 I made what I intended to be my last post. I felt at the time that I was spending too much time worrying about why more people weren't commenting on what I had written, like what I had to say was only important if other people thought it was important. Which is really dumb when I come back to the realization of what a writer type person I am. I write because I enjoy putting words to paper. I like the feeling of collecting my thoughts and notions about certain issues, and articulating them in a readable fashion. I enjoy the act of writing, not because of what others think of it, but because it helps me to clear my mind and formulate my opinions.
However, I made a huge miscalculation back then. I concluded that it was the blog that was taking too much time and effort, and that Facebook was a quicker way to say what I wanted to say on a daily basis. Boy! What a colossal misunderstanding of the real issue. Facebook (and I speak only for myself here) is a huge time-suck, excuse that crude expression. I have watched myself, and people around me, giving endless time to trivial nothings, as opposed to having real relationships with the people sitting right around them. I'm not saying it's all bad for everyone. I'm simply stating what I see. People are desperate for contact...for validation that their lives are important...that the small details of their lives matter. And you know what? They do matter! But Facebook, and sharing them on Facebook, doesn't make them more meaningful. In fact, I'm not sure it doesn't make them less. I think Facebook breeds a very unfortunate strain of discontent. The thing is, I'm not even one of those really susceptible people when it comes to envy of others lives! In fact, I often have people miffed at me because I just do not fall into that whole "unhappy with my self and my existence" crowd. But even I can fall into the trap at times. The Bible talks about this issue as well; 2 Cor. 10:12, "...but they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise!"
I will be following a multitude of intelligent, cool people who are realizing that Facebook is not a good way to conduct relationships, and leave it to all you other intelligent, cool people who can manage to use it wisely. I know I've made the decision before to get off, more for privacy reasons, etc., but now I'm getting off for ethical reasons.
So, I won't be there anymore. I'll be keeping my account and message system open (so anyone can still message me) as long as it causes no problems. It does make for an easy way to contact me from cell phones or the internet anywhere, or when people are having trouble with their email systems. I trust you'll remind yourselves that it's nothing personal. I simply don't want any news feed coming in at all. It's not like I'll be out of contact. I do still have email as well, and you all have my email address.
I thought about even removing the comment feature from this blog so I wouldn't be waiting for responses, but there are actually a couple of smart people out there who give me some feedback sometimes, and I value their comments very highly. (you know who you are)
So, there you have it. Stepping off the wheel! It'll have to spin without me from now on.
hurrah!!! wish there was a perfect facebook, realizing my alien status more clearly all the time now. can't stomach the Fb ads right now, thinking about leaving it completely. you said this very well!
ReplyDeleteDo it Jen!!! By the way, let me know if you still want anything from the bulk market before Sara and I come out there on the 8th. OR, when we come out on the 8th we'll just set ourselves a definite date to all go sometime!
ReplyDeleteI cannot agree more enthusiastically, and am glad I never jumped on the FB bandwagon in the first place. It pisses me off to no end when I see an entire society of people who walk around staring at small screens rather than interacting with real people, face-to-face. Former drummer for the metal bands, Embodyment and The Famine wrote two very well stated posts on his blog, I'm Using My Words:
Hey, thanks for sharing those Greg. I'll check them out. And, I agree with you wholeheartedly! I hate the screen thing, especially when you're trying to talk to someone. You are actually one of my inspirations for making this decision.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I am glad I did the facebook thing, but I only did it because I felt very strongly that God was telling me it would be a good thing for me, as long as I didn't abuse it (which is a real concern for any who use fb). I mostly write letters, because I love to write letters!! And I use it for communications with my dancers and church as I find it easier than e-mail, when it comes to group communications, like prayer requests, events, needs, updates, planning and such.
ReplyDeleteI know this will sound crazy, but it has also encouraged me to connect with people especially in face-to-face time. I could go into the many reasons for this, but it's not important to anyone but me and God, and I think I am an exception in this case. The truth is, nothing substitutes for face-to-face time and fb has been a tool that God has used to help me want to be around people, and has helped increased my face-to-face time with people (although I am sorely missing face-to-face time with those Whitmores! :-) The biggest time consumer for me now, is that I do love to write letters, and I type so slowly! And once I start writing, I don't like to break my train of thought for anything or anybody! I admit, this is an issue for me concerning fb and e-mails! I think I need to cut down on my letter writing, even though I do love it.
And I can relate to what you said mom, about waiting for a response or a comment to what you write. I too, just love to write or share things that I like or enjoy, and I have to remind myself that it is not about what others think. We are "Laura's" not "Daniel's" haha! I also think fb is an easy way for people to try and seek approval or gain "ear-candy" as Greg would say, and that is a real problem on fb!!
Wow! This took a long time for me to type! haha :-)
Well said Sara. Yes, I think you are one of those exceptions that it is really good for. A lot of people I know use it for mainly contact with old friends and news on events they are interested in, like Gary, or for the passing of pertinent information.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, we are definitely "Lauras", not "Daniels"!
good for you! I'd probably do the same if I had a computer at home- but since I don't even have a computer and can only be on it a limited amount- I find it's a great way to stay in touch with people (since I live on top of a hill by myself....)and I happen to also be one of those people who enjoys putting things in writing. And since I express myself better in writing than speaking- it's a good outlet for me. But I get fb disillusionment sometimes too and just don't go on for awhile- totally understand.
ReplyDeleteHey GF !! I do totally agree with you..the choice is yours...I do personally enjoy FB (to a degree)to keep up with family & friends. and i love to compete in diff. games against them..lol but it does take to much of my time(OCD sets in..lol) please always keep me in touch with you, love you & gary dearly !!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! And I'll still be playing Words with Friends by the way. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI agree. Keeping up with my blog was way too time-consuming and not too many people were reading it in comparison to what I put into it. So I haven't posted anything in over a year. FB: I just share highlights of happenings once in a while. It's great to connect with people who I haven't seen in a long time and a good communication tool. I don't spend much time on it because there are more important things to do. It can be addictive and I refuse to let it take me captive. I want to spend more time in God's presence. I want to keep my name written in the Lamb's Book and not be consumed with facebook.