Tuesday, June 19, 2012


This is the little face we got to spend some time with this past week...our granddaughter, Josie. Tim & Abbie, plus Josie & Toby (dog) came to NY/PA for a whirlwind, weeklong visit this past week. Would you believe??? I didn't get a single photo?! I guess I was thinking that our actual visiting time Saturday morning would be for that, but due to circumstances beyond the control of any of us, it just didn't happen. Oh well, such is parenthood. I certainly remember those days.

But the time spent with Josie was precious. She is bright and cheerful, and full of excitement about pretty much anything. Her little hand motion that says, "come" is adorable, and it's pretty much the same for Gramma or for the dog! She loves stuffed animals of any kind, real animals of any kind, french fries with a ton of ketchup, swinging on the "fing", sliding down the slide, saying, "gen, gen" (again), wearing funny dresses, coloring with Jordy, giggling freely, and finding Mommy and Daddy again when she gets tired. She is a joy and a wonder, and it was a great privilege to have the opportunity to spend some time with her.

She is her own little self, yet also a unique combination of Tim and Abbie. When I look into her face, at times I see Abbie's face with Tim's expressions, and the next moment it's the exact opposite! Pretty cool to be presented all of a sudden with a face that you haven't seen since her Daddy was that age.

It was so good to see them all. They are a blessing and a gift.

On a different note, our three other grandchildren stayed over night on Sunday and then spent the day here. We were all so tired we kicked back and did absolutely nothing at all the whole day! It was actually quite nice!

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